GSWMI School of Ministry

PSSBC SoM is the school where saints are prepared and equipped for ministry so that they can function adequately in their chosen callings by the power of the Holy Spirit

PSSBC SoM was founded on 3rd March 2021 with the aim of equipping the saints for every aspect of ministry by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Have you been called to serve God in ministry?

You might think that ministry is just the stuff that happens in church, but actually, we’re all called to ministry, whether it’s in business, raising kids, or pastoring in a church setting. So it makes sense to invest time to grow in your ministry abilities.

You might think that seminary is your only option to learn about ministry, but the GSWMI School of ministry offers more practical vision-based training.

GSWMI School of Ministry was born out of the desire to raise believers who are not only taught of the Spirit but who live the supernatural life naturally. We raise CHRISTKINDS and nurture Godkinds in Kingdom realities and lifestyle. There’s a high value on the presence of God and experiencing God’s love throughout every component of the program.

At GSWMI School of Ministry, you’ll learn how to live the Christ-life, walk in the supernatural, live above the elements of this world and discharge supernatural verities and realities of the Kingdom of God. You will learn how to heal the sick, pray for people, how to prophesy, how to preach the true gospel, how to minister, and how to share Jesus with everyone you meet and transform their realities by the word of God and the Spirit of God.

Course Outline

  • Do You Want to be a Great Leader?

    You might think excellent leadership is only based on your knowledge skills. The biggest factor to leadership is not just knowledge, but it's actually this thing of the heart, and that goes fundamentally back to what's my relationship with God in a real, experiential way… Once you are more confident in who you are, who God is, and how much you're loved, then all of the mechanical practical parts of it can be tacked on, fairly easily, and you don't have leaders then who are banging around hurting other people.” Hurt people are more likely to hurt other people, and the same goes with leaders. When you deal with your heart and experience God’s love for you, you’re far better equipped to lead others with love and lead them well, too.

  • Do You Want to Experience the Reality of God Daily?

    Experiencing God changes everything. When you hear God speak directly into your personal life and experience his deep love for you, you’ll gain new confidence in who you’re created to be. Gordon Harris says, “We all desperately need love at a deep level. We're also looking for an encounter with the sublime… That's God; something well beyond ourselves that's full of beauty and mystery. We so want that deep in our hearts, even if we may not recognize it.”

  • Do You Want to Become as Christ is?

    We all want to live in the best way possible, and allowing God to move in your life will bring transformation and allow you to live a fuller life.
    “What God does in the school is that he takes away from so many things that stops us from being like Christ in this world, we grow in knowledge and we are able to do more for the kingdom of Jesus by walking in His reality.

  • Do You Want to Make a Difference?

    We all have a God-given desire inside of us to do something significant. At the GSWMI School of Ministry, you’ll dig deep into your identity in Christ and discover your own worth and value. We all want to do something that matters, and the school is designed to propel you into your destiny by becoming who you were created to be in Christ.

Course Outline

Duration & Tuition

All classes are recorded and students who miss a class can catch up on missed classes at their own pace. Students have access to the school, it’s materials and teachings are accessible to you forever.
Course duration
2 weeks

daily online and practicals

One Time
₦20, 000

Registration Fee


Click on the Enroll button below to create an account on our website to get started. You will have the opportunity to attend live classes, access course materials and updates on your dashboard.

Our Students

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