Citizens of Zion School

In CoZ, members are taught the basic doctrines of Christ. They are equipped for the work of the ministry. The bible also admonishes that we be not as children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine…hence the need to equip the saints. Knowledge is vital, the knowledge of Christ is the greatest asset a believer can have and walk in. It marks the difference between success and failure. To have a successful Christian life, you require the basic knowledge to equip you for this walk with God.

We thereby invite you to join CoZ, because in the foundation school, you’d be taught the basic doctrines of Christ that’ll equip you for the higher life in God.

CoZ is a place where members get the opportunity to learn in detail about what we believe and why. It gives you the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers to those questions.

The aim of the CoZ is to educate believers concerning the basic doctrines of Christ and lay a good foundation, which can be built upon to live an effective and fulfilling life.

  • Preparation

    To prepare you for the ministry of reconciliation

  • Growth

    To enable you grow, by increasing in the knowledge of God’s word (1 Peter 2:2).

  • Correction

    To correct any erroneous ideas that you might have had (Eph 4:11-14).

  • Perfection

    To present you perfect in Christ Jesus.
    (col 1:28).

Course Objectives

Spiritual Knowledge is vital, and it marks the difference between illumination and ignorance. To have a successful Christian life, you require the knowledge of Christ and the knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit in you to equip you for this walk with God.

And that’s why we invite people to join the Citizens of Zion school. In the foundation school, you’d be taught the basic doctrines of Christ that’ll equip you for the higher life in God.

Duration & Fees

All classes are recorded and students who miss a class can catch up on missed classes at their own pace. This is to enable the students to have a deep understanding of what’s been taught and also gives you more time to study.
Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the words of truth.
COZ modules have been designed to span across a period of
4 weeks

Daily classes held online from Monday to Friday

Citizen of Zion, CoZ is taking in new students everyday for


Citizens of Zion, CoZ is a place where members get the opportunity to learn in details about what we believe and why. Members are taught the basic doctrines of Christ. It gives you the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers to those questions.

COZ modules have been designed to span across a period of 4 weeks (daily classes held online from Monday to Friday)

Yes classes are held online fro Monday to Friday  daily for 4 weeks.

Everyone is qualified to attend Citizen of Zion School. All that is required is your yearning for the knowledge of Christ and the knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit,

Citizens of Zion School is competely FREE for everyone.

Click on the Enroll button below to create an account on our website to get started. You will have the opportunity to attend live classes, access course materials and updates on your dashboard.

Our Students

Join CoZ today for Free. Create an Account to get started