Citizens of Zion is a foundation school for every believer who desire to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and savioiur Jesus Christ.
PSSBC is a school where the deep things of the Spirit are taught and learnt practically.
GSWMI School of Ministry is the school where ministers of the gospel are trained and equipped to fulfil their ministries.

Citizens of Zion School

Pneuma School of the Supernatural and Bible College, PSSBC

GSWMI School of Ministry

Gbenga Samuel Wemimo
President GSWMI
A Little Bit About Us
Our Vision Statement
Making the supernatural the norm of every believer.
Our Mission Statement
To prolong the days of Jesus in this time and age.
Our Motto
Homo Chtistus, The Christkind reality.
Why Choose Us?
The gospel demonstrated in its glory and simplicity by believers conscious of their reality in Christ. This is the life PSSBC offers, a life where the movement is upward and forward only.
Founded on February 15, 2019 by the instruction of the Holy Spirit, it is an online school with students from all over the world. The school has grown in leaps and bounds since then
Online Bible Classes
Learn online at your own conveience.
Mobile Friendly
Connect via PC, tablet and mobile phones.
Study Anywhere at Your Own Pace
Don't be restricted by location, connect from anywhere.
Free & Budget Friendly Classes
We offer Free and very affordable courses.